Preparing Your Trees for Summer Storms With Tree Service

Summers in Maryland often bring severe weather. Thunderstorms, high winds, and heavy rain are more common than many would think. Homeowners usually take the time to prepare their houses for summer storms, but landscaping elements – trees in particular – often fall through the cracks. However, trees can cause serious damage in stormy weather. To prep your yard for summer storms with tree service, check out this easy guide from Hometown Tree Experts. 

How Can Tree Service Prevent Storm Damage This Summer?

The best way to prep your trees for summer storms (and avoid storm damage) is to call in an expert for tree care. However, you can also take a DIY approach to get the ball rolling. Here are some tips for prepping your yard for bad weather. 

Do a DIY inspection. Take matters into your own hands to get the tree care process started – take a walk around your yard and conduct an inspection of the trees there. You should look for any issues, including trees that are leaning or dead, as well as any broken branches, root issues, bark damage, diseased limbs, and insect infestations. Any of these problems can weaken your trees and leave them more susceptible to storm damage this summer. If you spot any of these issues, contact an expert for tree care. 

Prune your trees as necessary. You should be regularly pruning trees in your yard to encourage health and new growth, but it’s also important to prune before storm season arrives. You should look to remove unhealthy or damaged limbs, as well as any limbs that hang too close to your house. Remember, branches can easily become projectiles in a storm, causing major storm damage to your home, vehicles, and more. If you have a tree with weak limbs, professionals can also brace them to ensure they make it through windy weather. If you’re unsure how to prune or brace your trees, call Hometown Tree Experts and get tree service on the books now. 

Remove dead trees before storm season arrives. If you have dead or dying trees in your yard, you should absolutely schedule tree removal service before summer arrives. Gusty winds can uproot and knock over dead trees, causing severe storm damage to your home, your yard, your vehicles, and more. You shouldn’t try to remove the trees yourself, either – professional tree removal service can ensure your trees are safely and expertly taken out of your yard with no damage to your property. 

Get routine tree service. The time before storm season is a great time to schedule tree care, but ideally you should schedule it year-round. Tree experts can ensure your trees thrive throughout the different seasons, assisting you with pruning, trimming, and treatment as necessary. Healthy trees are less susceptible to storm damage and more likely to make it through the summer unscathed. 

Schedule Tree Service Before Summer Arrives 

Things are heating up outside and summer is on its way to Maryland – schedule tree service today with the professionals at Hometown Tree Experts so you’re prepped and ready!